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B.Tech, N.I.T. Rourkela, India

PhD., JNCASR Bangalore
Post Doc,Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel 

Associate Professor

IIT Bombay, Dept. Chemical Engg.




Our group studies single and multi-phase fluid problems in the laminar and turbulent regimes inspired by interesting phenomena involving waves and oscillations, in the atmospheric & oceanic sciences alongwith some engineering problems. We develop in-house computational tools which help us in mathematical modelling of wave phenomena. We are also interested in the mechanical response of non-crystalline/amorphous materials. Students in our research group learn analytical techniques and gain experience in writing advanced computational codes for studying problems in two phase flows and disordered solids. We also have a small table-top experimental facility. If you are an undergraduate or a graduate student with an interest towards research in multiphase flows or mechanical response of amorphous matter, send me an email with a short CV describing your interests to dasgupta(dot)ratul(at)iitb(dot)ac(dot)in or dasgupta(dot)ratul(at)gmail(dot)com. 

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