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  • 2D Cartesian V.O.F.-Navier Stokes Solver - This code uses  PLIC and LVIRA for interface reconstruction alongwith the Finite-Volume  algorithm to solve the momentum and mass equations. A (geometric) multigrid algorithm is used to accelerate the pressure-poisson solver. Surface tension is implemented as a body force in the momentum equations using the C.S.F method. This code has been validated on a series of test-problems which are documented here

  • Axisymmetric V.O.F. -Navier Stokes Solver - A cylindrical axisymmetric version has been developed for studying droplets and bubbles. This effort is financially supported by DST-SERB (2016-19), India. Test case are documented here.

  • 3D Cartesian V.O.F.-Navier Stokes Solver  - A 3D V.O.F. coupled Navier-Stokes solver for simulating two phases flows in three (spatial) dimensions is under development.

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